shouto had most likely already taken his bath for the night, but maybe he could convince him to take another, if only to spend more relaxation time with izuku in the tub. he was covered in a fine layer of dirt and sweat, pink cheeked and hazy eyed from the exertion, and he knew he'd need a bath before he could sit down and rest. He chucked off his jogging shoes as soon as he stumbled inside, leaned against the doorframe for several seconds to regain his bearings. he'd been waiting all day to come back to the dorms and decompress, to settle down with shouto beneath a mountain of blankets, with cups of tea and flashcards in hand, and to forget about the world and all its weary expectations. it was meant to be his and shouto's study session that night, an intimate, one on one time allotted just for them, where kisses were given as rewards for right answers and brain breaks consisted of excessive cuddling. it had been a bit of a rough week, with eri suffering another anxiety attack, an unexpected failure in basic hero training, and an unsavory run in with monoma from class 1b, who seemed to have a lot to say about izuku's apparent fatigue. their practice had run a little over the normal time limit, and though izuku didn't often mind a little extra training, he did that time, because he was already tired and they'd been at it for hours and he wanted to go home. In which shinsou brings about cat boy todoroki and subsequently kills everyone.īy the time izuku returned from his regular training session with all might near the woods, it was nearing seven o' clock, and he was so sore, he could hardly stand to move. “when i say so, i want you say, nya, okay?" for today, we'll be doing something simple and easy. "okay lovely," mina interrupted, shooting shouto a dazzling smile. "he is, but he's so innocent, he doesn't even know it."

Mina lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. Shouto tilted his head, his choker’s bell jingling and his cat ears flopping. "now, todoroki-kun here is our class's resident cat boy!" mina announced to her audience. Shouto seemed deeply puzzled by this request, and vaguely uncomfortable now that the camera lense was pointed directly at him. "todoroki-kun," mina drawled in her candied social media voice.
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